Green Procurement Guidelines


  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Objectives
  • 3. Scope of Application
  • 4. Requests to Suppliers
  • 5. Others


Certificate of RoHS Compliance

1. Introduction

Advances in technology have made our lives wealthier and more convenient. However, at the same time, global environmental problems, such as extreme weather caused by climate change, ocean pollution, and the depletion of energy resources, are becoming more serious year by year.

Muscle Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "our company") supports the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set forth by the United Nations towards the year 2030. In order to provide valuable products and services to society with the commitment to environmental problems under our business management, we strive to manage the chemical subsatances in our products and collect information.

In recent years, interest in sustainability has been increased, and one of the focuses of business' environmental conservation measures has shifted to how to properly manage and reduce the use of environmentally hazardous substances in production activities. Although we will continue to manufacture environmentally friendly products, our business partners' cooperation is essential to put it into practice.

2. Objectives

To promote global envirounmental conservation, our company aims to manage and reduce the use of environmentally hazardous substances in each process of our business activities.

The "Green Procurement Guidelines" indicates the standards for procuring materials, parts, products, etc. that have lower environmental impact. Our goal is to continuously provide safe and earth-friendly products and technologies by taking environment into consideration with our business partners.

3. Scope of Application

The ""Green Procurement Guidelines"" is applied to all procured items including the below purchased by our company and applied to the business partners who supply them.

  • ・Raw materials, parts, units, accessories, and auxiliary materials
  • ・Constituent materials such as auxiliary materials (solder, grease, ink, adhesive, labels, etc.)
  • ・Outsourced products (manufacturing and processing)
  • ・Packaging materials
  • ・Documents such as instruction manuals

4. Requests to Suppliers


We have reaffirmed the importance of material procurement and will actively promote the selection of parts and materials from an environmental and safety perspective in addition to our conventional QCD (Quality, Cost, Delivery date) as part of our procurement policy. Our basic policy is to prioritize procurement from business partners who engage in environmentally friendly business activities.


We appreciate our business partners for understanding our efforts toward environmental activities and cooperation with us as described below.


1) Establishment of an environmental management system


Please conduct your business activities in an environmentally friendly manner for environmental conservation.

2) Management of environmentally impactful substances and provision of information

  • ・Understand the contained chemical substances and do not deliver items containing prohibited substances.
  • ・Data and process management of contained chemical substances including secondary suppliers (instruction and support for secondary suppliers)
  • ・Submission of a certificate of non-use of prohibited substances (Certificate of RoHS Compliance, etc.)
  • ・Submission of information on chemical substances contained in products

There is an increasing need to provide information using chemSHERPA (, an information-sharing scheme for chemical substances in products. Our environmental impact substance management is targeting the substances listed in the RoHS Directive, POPs Convention, TSCA, and Japan's Chemical Substances Control Law. Data can be created for all of them by using chemSHERPA.

We would like to continue building cooperative relationships based on "trust" with our business partners. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

5. Others

1) The contents of this Green Procurement Guidelines are subject to change without notice, due to change of revisions to laws and regulations, promulgation of new treaties, social conditions, etc.

2) Information provided by our business partners about chemical substances contained in our products will be shared within our company. The information about environmentally hazardous substances and result of compliance judgement may be released to our customers as a part of Muscle product information.

*The Japanese text is the original and the English text is for reference purposes. If there is any conflict or inconsistency between these two texts, the Japanese text shall prevail.